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Best Cardiologist In Sugar Land, TX

Accepting United Healthcare & Most Major Insurances

Complete Cardiology Care Readers Choice AwardsReaders Choice Award 2024

Visit Our Cardiologist in Sugar Land, TX

readers choice awardsReaders Choice Award 2024

Keeping Your Heart Happy and Healthy

Compassionate Cardiology Care in Sugar Land, TX


A healthy heart is a happy heart. And our cardiologist in Sugar Land, TX can help your heart stay healthy and happy for years to come. At the office of Dr. Yassir Sonbol M.D., F.A.C.C., hearts are our specialty, and Dr. Sonbol has more than 15 years of experience protecting their health. Our team is dedicated to accurately diagnosing your condition so we can provide the treatment you need, whether that’s a lifestyle change or medication. We diagnose and treat all heart conditions, from hypertension and high cholesterol to heart disease and heart rhythm disorders. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Why Choose Us

You shouldn’t trust the health of your heart to just anyone. You want to choose a cardiologist with experience and a strong reputation. Dr. Sonbol has a vast wealth of knowledge and is equipped with modern technology to help him accurately diagnose and treat heart conditions. Working with him is a team of friendly staff members, who are all committed to your health. You’ll always be sure your heart is in good hands when you visit us. Choose us as your cardiologist in Sugar Land, TX for all of the following reasons:

15 Years of Experience

Comprehensive Diagnoses

Highly-Trained Staff

Welcoming Environment

State-of-the-Art Equipment

Personalized Treatment Plans

Heart Doctor in Sugar Land, TX
15 Years of Experience
Heart Doctor in Sugar Land, TX
Highly-Trained Staff
Heart Doctor in Sugar Land, TX
State-of-the-Art Equipment
Heart Doctor in Sugar Land, TX
Comprehensive Diagnoses
Heart Doctor in Sugar Land, TX
Welcoming Environment
Heart Doctor in Sugar Land, TX
Personalized Treatment Plans

Our Comprehensive Cardiology Services


At our state-of-the-art facility in Sugar Land, TX, patients can expect a wide range of comprehensive cardiology services. Our expert team is dedicated to improving the health of those throughout our beloved community. That’s why we provide the following comprehensive cardiology services:


  • Heart Disease – Also referred to as a cardiovascular disease, heart disease is a serious issue that can cause severe complications and even death. That’s why we offer heart disease screenings to help patients determine if they have heart disease or are at risk for it.


  • Women’s Cardiac Health – Through education and early screening, we can help diagnose and treat all heart conditions, helping women make their heart health a priority. Across the globe, heart disease is the cause of death in women. We hope to change that and help prevent it.


  • Coronary Artery Disease – One of the essential screenings we provide is for coronary artery disease in patients. Without early detection and treatment, coronary artery disease can lead to a heart attack because blood cannot reach the heart.


  • Peripheral Vascular Disease – We proudly provide peripheral vascular disease (PVD) treatment at our state-of-the-art facility. PVD is similar to coronary artery disease in that it restricts blood flow to the vessels. We can help patients identify the symptoms of this disease.


  • Varicose Veins – These veins develop when the veins in the legs stop working as well as they used to, and instead of moving blood to the heart, the blood stays within the leg’s veins. We can help patients diagnose and treat varicose veins today.


  • Valvular Heart Disease – Valvular heart disease occurs when the valve narrows (stenosis) or leaks blood back (regurgitation). This disease can be present at birth or develop later on in life. We can identify symptoms of the disease using advanced technology.


  • Heart Rhythm Disorders – Also referred to as arrhythmia, a heart rhythm disorder is an abnormality of the heartbeat. When the heart is beating too slowly or too rapidly, the blood may not be able to flow through the heart properly.


  • High Blood Pressure – Also referred to as hypertension, high blood pressure can lead to many additional health problems, including stroke, kidney failure, and more. We can detect signs of high blood pressure and provide patients with treatment at our state-of-the-art facility.


  • High Cholesterol – Too much cholesterol in the body can clog the arteries and restrict blood flow. Our medical experts can assess your health and recommend the best method of treatment to help lower your cholesterol level.


  • Stress Testing – Stress tests are a simple means of determining whether or not a patient has heart disease. If we detect early signs of the disease during a stress test, we can start treatment before the condition worsens.

Contact Complete Cardiology Care Today

If you’re looking for a heart doctor in the Sugar Land, TX area, look no further. Dr. Sonbol has over a decade of experience providing complete and compassionate cardiology care. As one of the best cardiologists in the local area, you can rely on Dr. Sonbol and his experienced team to give you the best possible care. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact us today.