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Electrocardiogram (EKG) Testing in Sugar Land, TX

As a premier cardiology center, Complete Cardiology Care’s state-of-the-art facility boasts advanced technology that enables us to provide our patients with superior diagnostic care. To assess an irregular heartbeat or monitor existing cardiac conditions, trust in our cardiologists for comprehensive electrocardiogram (EKG) testing in Sugar Land, TX.

Electrocardiogram EKG or ECG Testing in Sugar Land, TX

What Is an Electrocardiogram (EKG) Heart Test?

Electrocardiogram and EKG testing are interchangeable terms for a diagnostic procedure involving the heart. An EKG test procedure is a prompt and efficient diagnostic modality used to assess the heartbeat. This procedure works by recording the heart’s electrical signals to proactively detect cardiac abnormalities.

What Happens During EKG Testing

An EKG test is non-invasive and pain-free. During the procedure, patients will be comfortably reclined as our cardiologist applies patches equipped with passive electrodes to the skin on the chest and stomach. The electrodes connect to wires that transfer collected cardiac data to our monitor for immediate review.

How Cardiologists Evaluate an EKG

EKG testing helps to effectively identify and diagnose a range of cardiac conditions. These procedures enable our cardiologists to evaluate the following:

  • Heart rate and beat abnormalities in the chamber of the heart
  • Thickened, damaged, or inflamed heart muscle tissue
  • The blood flow entering and exiting with each heartbeat
  • The heart’s orientation and location

Types of Electrocardiogram (EKG) Testing

At Complete Cardiology Care, we take pride in our expansive range of diagnostic technology. Among our most common procedures is our EKG testing. We offer several EKG heart test options, including:

  • Holter monitors
  • Resting EKG heart test
  • EKG stress test
  • Implantable heart monitor, known as implantable loop recorders

The EKG Heart Test Process

The process of an EKG heart test varies. An EKG stress test or resting EKG is conducted in the office with our cardiologists. In contrast, EKGs that involve the use of implantable devices or a Holter monitor are placed by our cardiologists to be worn outside of our office for a designated period of 24-48 hours.

The Role of EKG Testing

EKG testing is a valuable procedure used to detect and diagnose cardiac abnormalities related to the heartbeat. A standard EKG heart test is traditionally used to diagnose arrhythmias or to monitor the effectiveness of an existing cardiac treatment. Additionally, these procedures can uncover structural abnormalities, including narrowing or blockages and evidence of heart attacks.

When EKG Medical Tests Are Recommended

There are numerous reasons your cardiologist or primary physician may recommend an EKG test procedure. Common reasons include:

  • Chest pain
  • Heart disease progression and/or treatment monitoring
  • Rapid pulse
  • Fluttering/pounding/skipping heartbeats
  • Shortness of breath
  • Fatigue or weakness

How to Prepare for an EKG Heart Test

Electrocardiogram or EKG test procedures do not involve anesthesia or medications, meaning they do not require specific preparations. Prior to your test, the only things you will have to prepare are your medical records, current and past medications, and your insurance card to provide our receptionist.

What to Expect With Complete Cardiology Care

At Complete Cardiology Care, we recognize that an EKG test may be stressful. To promote positive patient experiences, we prioritize hands-on guidance and compassionate support. Before your EKG, we take the time to ensure you are well-informed by explaining the process to ease your nerves and foster confidence and understanding.

Choose Complete Cardiology Care

Invest in the highest standards of quality care with Complete Cardiology Care. Defined by board-certified cardiologists, advanced diagnostic technologies, and our state-of-the-art facility, we are among the top locations for comprehensive cardiac treatment in Sugar Land, TX. Trust in our expertise and commitment to patient comfort and safety for a streamlined and efficient EKG test procedure and diagnosis.

Schedule Your EKG Test for Heart Disease or Chest Pain

If your primary physician has provided you with a referral for an EKG test for chest pain or suspected heart disease, you’ve come to the right place. Discover a superior approach to EKG testing with Complete Cardiology Care. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

Keeping Your Heart Happy and Healthy