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A cardiologist talks about minimally invasive bypass surgery with his patient in Sugar Land, TX

About Minimally Invasive Bypass Surgery in Sugar Land, TX

Minimally invasive bypass surgery is a modern technique that treats blocked coronary arteries without the need for a large chest incision. Unlike traditional methods, which require cutting through the breastbone, this approach uses smaller cuts between the ribs. If you’re considering this type of heart surgery in Sugar Land, TX, learn more about it first.

Why Is Minimally Invasive Bypass Surgery Done?

This procedure is most often recommended for coronary artery disease (CAD), where the arteries supplying blood to the heart are blocked or narrowed. When lifestyle changes or less invasive treatments like stents or angioplasty aren’t enough, bypass surgery may be the next step.

Instead of opening the chest completely, minimally invasive heart bypass surgery allows the surgeon to bypass blocked arteries through smaller incisions. The surgeon uses healthy blood vessels, often from the chest or leg, to create a new path for blood flow around the blockage. This greatly reduces the symptoms of CAD, like chest pain and shortness of breath, to improve your quality of life.

Who Is a Candidate for Minimally Invasive Bypass Surgery?

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for this surgery. Your doctor will assess your condition based on the number and location of blockages, your overall health, and how well your heart is functioning. In general, the best candidates are in relatively good health and have fewer blockages that can be reached through small incisions. Discuss your candidacy with your cardiologist to determine the best course of action.

The Risks Involved

Like any medical procedure, minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery comes with risks. However, the risk of major complications is lower than with open-heart surgery. Even so, the potential complications to be aware of include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Stroke
  • Irregular heart rhythms
  • Reactions to anesthesia

There’s also a slight chance your surgeon may need to switch to open-heart surgery if complications arise.

How to Prepare for Surgery

Preparing for surgery involves several steps. Your doctor will likely give you specific instructions about what to do in the days leading up to the procedure. Here are some general things to keep in mind:

  • Medications: Always discuss your current medications with your healthcare provider. You may need to stop taking certain ones, including blood thinners, before surgery.
  • Fasting: You’ll typically be asked to stop eating or drinking after midnight the day before the procedure.
  • Help from a caregiver: Arrange for a friend or family member to drive you home after your hospital stay and offer assistance for the first few days as you regain your strength.
  • Relaxation: Pack loose, comfortable clothing and items to help you relax during your hospital stay, such as books, movies, or a portable music player.

What to Expect During the Procedure

You’ll be placed under general anesthesia for your surgery, so you won’t feel any pain. The surgeon will make small cuts between your ribs and may use robotic tools to assist. A heart-lung machine will keep your blood circulating during the surgery, and once the bypass is complete, the surgeon will close the incisions with sutures. The entire procedure typically takes three to six hours, depending on how many bypasses are needed.

What to Expect During Your Recovery

After surgery, you’ll most likely spend one to two days in the intensive care unit (ICU) for close observation, followed by a few more days in a regular hospital room. Minimally invasive coronary artery bypass surgery requires a shorter hospital stay than traditional bypass surgery, often just three to five days total. During your stay, your care team will manage pain with medication and help you get up and moving as soon as possible. Walking is crucial to prevent blood clots and promote healing.

Once you’re home, full recovery typically takes four to six weeks, which is much quicker than the 12 weeks commonly needed after traditional bypass surgery. Most patients can return to light work or activities within a few weeks, but it’s important to avoid strenuous activity until cleared by your doctor.

You may also be enrolled in a cardiac rehabilitation program to strengthen your heart and guide you through safe physical activities. Your doctor will provide detailed instructions on caring for your incisions, watching for signs of infection, and managing your medications. Follow their guidance closely to promote a smooth recovery.

Speak with a Cardiologist in Sugar Land, TX

If you think minimally invasive bypass surgery might be right for you, reach out to Complete Cardiology Care. Our practice offers comprehensive cardiology services and personalized care to address your individual needs. You’ll be in the capable hands of Dr. Yassir Sonbol and our dedicated support staff. With over 15 years of experience, Dr. Sonbol has helped countless patients improve their heart health and get back to living a full life. Contact us today to learn more about minimally invasive coronary bypass surgery in Sugar Land, TX.